Wednesday, 8 December 2010

WK and LF on Noddy's Monkey Town

December 6, 2010
6:25 AM

WK:  Both my Monkeys ran away from Monkey Town when they were babies, went to John Lewis, and waited there for a little boy who really loved Monkeys to become their Daddy.

Me:  That's lovely.

WK:  That little boy is me.

LF:  This is a load of shit.


  1. I refuse to believe that your adorable, angellic little daughter could possibly have such a potty mouth!!!!!Where on earth is she getting such vileness from?!

  2. LF, dropping the S-bomb!

  3. This is WK reading this as an adult 13 years later and laughing. I still remember this and much worse (but similar) conversations... 😁
